Sunday, January 16, 2011

From Paris to Zagreb

Eastern Europe! Can you believe it? I hadn't even heard of Croatia before meeting my Croatian teammates four years ago, but there I was, visiting my former roommate and great friend, Jelena! Here's a map, to save you the wikipedia search:

I spent five low-key days hanging out with Jelena, her brother, and her mom. We:

-went ice-skating. Zagreb is inland and rather mountainous so it was cold, with some snow.
-drove to Kaprina, a small town toward Slovenia, to visit a museum about Neanderthals.  It was on the site of one of the biggest and most pivotal fossil discoveries of early man.
-had coffee with another of my Croatian teammates (I have four total).  Croatians drink a lot of coffee (kind of like Turkish people).  The cafe was a little loud and smoky-- not horribly smoky, just the odor.  That's something you don't really come across in the United States anymore- smoking indoors- but my friends said they're used to it, as it's the norm there, and that they get nostalgic for home when they smell cigarettes in the U.S.
-walked around downtown Zagreb, saw a few of its important sites.  It's Croatia's capital and largest city- approximately the same population as Austin, TX.
-visited her cousin, Snezjana, who I knew from her visit to Austin last year.  While drinking hot wine and eating flaky "butter bread," the priest came and blessed the home-- something he does for all the devout Catholics of his parish.
-went to the movies with some of her friends.  They spoke great English and we had a very interesting discussion on the walk home-- about cultural differences, school, stereotypes-- it was gratifying..

More about LIFE IN CROATIA in my next post!

While Zagreb didn't have the pretty views and "grandes choses" of Paris, it had something Paris didn't: FRIENDS! After traveling and sight-seeing alone, being with Jelena and her brother felt like nourishment.. It was nice just to lounge and read in the company of somebody I knew, in their cozy apartment, overlooking the white, wintery outskirts of Zagreb.  I was sorry when it came time to leave!


The sunset from Jelena's apartment 

1 comment:

  1. That is a beautiful view from Jelena's apartment.
    Doesn't look very urban. Ascetics are important.
    I got spoiled on Baker's Meadow.
