A patch of flowers that I pass on my bike on my way to work. The picture doesn't do it justice-- it's painfully pretty. |
I'm well aware that ever since graduation, I've been on a paid vacation-- first Alaska, now France. I have so much free time, it's almost a crime, but instead of guiltily trying to fill it, I've chosen to accept the blessing. There is a season for everything-- a time to run and a time to rest, a time to work and a time to play-- and all one can do is enjoy it as it comes. So during these lengthening days, I'm relishing my last weeks in Toulouse. It's hard to believe I leave in less than a month! Besides the usual reading and writing, I occasionally try my feet at the slack-line and frequently research the next steps of my European adventure (a month on the rails, but you'll hear about that when it happens!). Praise God for spring and all the newness it brings!
The flowers are beautiful! So is life when you do take the time to enjoy your blessings. It is good to hear you acknowledge there is a time for everything. Rushing around missing our blessings is such a waste. Time flys when we are having a good time and it seems the last part of our time flys the fastest. It is good you will leave with visions of spring all around for that final memory.