Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Everyday Life

Morning mist among the trees on my way to work.

Believe it or not, the kind people of Soldotna aren't paying me to hike or camp or go on excursions; I work sometimes, too!  Teaching people how to row, driving a launch around a peaceful lake, watching the birds-- some "work."  Here are a few pictures from my daily routine:
Our view from our boatsite: Mackey Lake

My launch.
We share the lake with half a dozen float planes, which is typical of these small lakes throughout Alaska.  It usually doesn't pose much of a problem, but we stick to the traffic pattern, which gives them priority in the middle of the lake for take-off and landing.  One of our neighbors is a chartered air service that flies groups of hunters and fishermen to far-off destinations.  It's exciting everyday to see them loading up for their adventure and taking to the air.

 A group of rowers wet-launching an eight.
My favorite bird on the lake: the loons.  We see four regularly, plus two babies.  I prefer to see them when I'm not in a roaring motorboat: this picture was taken from a single (which I occasionally row myself after practice).  As you can see, this one came within a few feet of me and seemed interested but undaunted by my presence. 

All of the mountainous lake views I've posted, I had to hike to see.  But a landscape like this is the norm in the flat expanses of Soldotna.  Moose country. Mosquito country.  Too wet to be easily passable. And spruce upon spruce upon spruce:
This moose looked at me as I stepped out my front door one morming.  They are such a common sight I barely turn my head anymore when I see them roadside.

This is the range I see on my way home from work everyday. 
The mountains are calling and I must go! 

1 comment:

  1. I wish Papa were still with us to appreciate these photos and all the experiences you are having.
    You are being so blessed. What a place to be.
